Priyanka Chopras Punjabi film Sarvanns second schedule starts on Ganesh Chaturthi

Readers may be aware that before kick starting her Hollywood debut Baywatch, Priyanka Chopra decided to turn producer but in regional cinema. Priyanka's Purple Pebble Pictures' is all set for their debut Punjabi film Sarvann after already dipping their hands into Bhojpuri and Marathi cinema.

The film recently kick started the second schedule in India on the auspicious occasion of Ganesh Chathurthi. Producer Madhu Chopra, that is Priyanka's mother, confirmed the news saying, "Sarvann is a beautiful and heart-touching narrative of a young NRI returning to India to find his roots. What better than starting the second schedule of Sarvann on the auspicious occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi!" While the first schedule of the ambitious venture has been shot in Canada, the second marathon schedule of Sarvann has commenced in Chandigarh on September 5.

Co-produced by Siddharth Chopra and directed by Karaan Guliani, Sarvann stars Amrinder Gill, Simi Chehail and Ranjit Bawa. It is written by Amberdeep Singh and the music is composed by Jatinder Shah.